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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 loved adj (cherished)SCSimplified Chinese 受人喜爱的 shòu rén xǐ ài de   SCSimplified Chinese 受人爱慕的   SCSimplified Chinese 被珍爱的  When both of her sons give her flowers for Mother's Day, she felt loved.  她的两个儿子在母亲节送她花的时候,她感受到了爱意。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 love n uncountable (affection)SCSimplified Chinese 爱 ài TCTraditional Chinese 愛   SCSimplified Chinese 爱情 ài,ài qíng TCTraditional Chinese 愛情  Love is perhaps the most important human emotion.  爱或许是最重要的人类情感。 love n uncountable (romantic feelings)SCSimplified Chinese 爱情 ài qíng TCTraditional Chinese 愛情   SCSimplified Chinese 爱意 ài qíng,ài yì  You could see her love for him in her eyes.  你可以从她的眼睛里看到她对他的浓浓爱意。 love [sb]⇒ vtr (feel affection for)SCSimplified Chinese 爱,热爱 ài,rè ài TCTraditional Chinese 愛,熱愛  Of course I love my mother.  我当然爱我妈妈。 love [sb] vtr (be fond of)SCSimplified Chinese 喜爱 xǐ ài TCTraditional Chinese 喜愛   SCSimplified Chinese 喜欢 xǐ ài,xǐ huān TCTraditional Chinese 喜歡  I love Jane. She's always such fun to be with!  我喜欢简,和她相处总是非常愉快! love [sb] vtr (have romantic feelings for)SCSimplified Chinese 爱 ài TCTraditional Chinese 愛   SCSimplified Chinese 爱恋 ài,ài liàn   SCSimplified Chinese 钟情于 ài,zhōng qíng yú  You can tell that she loves her boyfriend by the look on her face.  你从她的表情就能看得出来,她很爱她男朋友。 love [sth]⇒ vtr (like strongly)SCSimplified Chinese 爱,热爱,爱好,喜爱 ài,rè ài,ài hào ,xǐ ài TCTraditional Chinese 愛,熱愛,愛好,喜愛  I love basketball.  我爱打篮球。 love doing [sth], love to do [sth] v expr (activity: enjoy)SCSimplified Chinese 喜爱做某事   SCSimplified Chinese 爱做某事  I love jogging in the park when the weather is warm.  天气暖和的时候,我喜欢在公园里慢跑。 love n (lover)SCSimplified Chinese 情人 qíng rén TCTraditional Chinese 情人   SCSimplified Chinese 爱人 qíng rén,ài rén TCTraditional Chinese 愛人  She was my first love.  她是我的初恋情人。 love interj informal (affectionate term) (爱称)SCSimplified Chinese 宝贝 bǎo bèi TCTraditional Chinese 寶貝   SCSimplified Chinese 亲爱的 bǎo bèi,qīn ài de TCTraditional Chinese 親愛的  Can you give me the remote control, please, love?  亲爱的,能不能把遥控器递给我? love interj UK, informal (friendly term of address) (昵称)SCSimplified Chinese 伙计 huǒ jì TCTraditional Chinese 夥計 / 伙計   SCSimplified Chinese 朋友 huǒ jì,péng yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 朋友  When I got to the bar, the barman asked me, "What would you like, love?"  我到酒吧后酒保问我:“伙计,想喝点什么?”   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 love n (passion)SCSimplified Chinese 热情,激情 rè qíng,jī qíng TCTraditional Chinese 熱情,激情   SCSimplified Chinese 热爱 rè ài TCTraditional Chinese 熱愛  His love made her feel so good.  他的激情让她感觉良好。 love, loving n slang (sexual gratification) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 性爱 xìng ài  He was in a good mood. His wife probably gave him some love the night before. love of [sth], love for [sth] n (strong liking)SCSimplified Chinese 对…的钟爱   SCSimplified Chinese 对…的热爱  His love for basketball was apparent to everybody.  他对篮球的迷恋人人皆知。 love n (tennis score: zero) (网球)SCSimplified Chinese 零分 líng fēn  The score is now thirty-love. love n ([sth] loved, interest)SCSimplified Chinese 钟爱的事物 zhōng ài de shì wù   SCSimplified Chinese 爱好 zhōng ài de shì wù,ài hào TCTraditional Chinese 愛好  Ballet was her first love.  芭蕾是她的最爱。 love⇒ vi (have deep affection)SCSimplified Chinese 爱 ài TCTraditional Chinese 愛   SCSimplified Chinese 热爱 ài,rè ài TCTraditional Chinese 熱愛  She just loves too much.  她的爱人之心太过。 love [sb]⇒ vtr slang (have sex) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 和…性交 hé xìng jiāo   SCSimplified Chinese 和…做爱 hé xìng jiāo,hé zuò ài  I want you to love me passionately tonight, baby.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:loved | love英语中文 best-loved, most-loved adj (most cherished)SCSimplified Chinese 最受喜爱的   SCSimplified Chinese 最具人气的  She is one of the country's best-loved sportswomen. loved one n often plural (close family member or friend)SCSimplified Chinese 所爱的人 suǒ ài de rén TCTraditional Chinese 所愛的人   SCSimplified Chinese 所珍视的人 suǒ ài de rén,suǒ zhēn shì de rén  The loss of a loved one is hard to bear. loved-up adj UK, slang (high on amphetamines) (因服用安非他明)SCSimplified Chinese 兴奋的 xīng fèn de TCTraditional Chinese 興奮的 loved-up adj UK, slang (in love)SCSimplified Chinese 热恋的 rè liàn de much-loved adj (loved by many people)SCSimplified Chinese 深受喜爱的   SCSimplified Chinese 深受爱戴的  Uncle Bob was a much-loved member of the family. our loved ones npl (our friends and family)SCSimplified Chinese 我们的家人朋友 wǒ men de jiā rén péng yǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 我们所爱之人 wǒ men de jiā rén péng yǒu,wǒ mén suǒ ài zhī rén  Our loved ones will return from Afghanistan next week. well-loved adj (liked by many people)SCSimplified Chinese 备受喜爱的   SCSimplified Chinese 深受欢迎的 well-loved adj (used for a long time)SCSimplified Chinese 长期使用的   SCSimplified Chinese 常用的 cháng yòng de   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: love [lʌv] I n [u] 1 (for partner, sweetheart) 爱(愛)情 àiqíng (for child, pet) 爱(愛) ài my love for my children我对(對)孩子的爱(愛) wǒ duì háizi de ài 2 (Brit) (inf: term of address) 对不相识者的客气称呼 Are you OK, love? 你没事吧? Nǐ méi shì ba? II vt [+ partner, child, pet] 爱(愛) ài I love you.我爱(愛)你。 Wǒ ài nǐ. [+ thing, food, activity] 热(熱)爱(愛) rè'ài sb's love for sb 某人对(對)某人的爱(愛) mǒurén duì mǒurén de ài to be in love (with sb) (与(與)某人)恋(戀)爱(愛) (yǔ mǒurén) liàn'ài to fall in love (with sb)爱(愛)上(某人) àishàng (mǒurén) to make love做爱(愛) zuò'ài love at first sight一见(見)钟(鐘)情 yī jiàn zhōngqíng love (from) Anne (on letter) 爱(愛)你的,安妮 ài nǐ de, Ānní to send one's love to sb向某人问(問)候 xiàng mǒurén wènhòu a love of music/football/animals对(對)音乐(樂)/足球/动(動)物的热(熱)爱(愛) duì yīnyuè/zúqiú/dòngwù de rè’ài "15 love" (Tennis) 15比0 shíwǔ bǐ líng to love doing/to do sth喜爱(愛)做某事 xǐ'ài zuò mǒushì I'd love to come我非常想来(來) wǒ fēicháng xiǎng lái I'd love you to come or I'd love it if you came你要是来(來)真是太好了 nǐ yàoshì lái zhēn shì tài hǎo lenought 在这些条目还发现'loved': 在英文解释里: beloved - bereave - bereavement - dearly beloved - great friend - love - much-loved - precious - pride and joy 中文: 敬爱 在单词列表中: Emotions/feelings, 更多……同义词: cherished, well beloved, beloved, adored, dear, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'loved' 的论坛讨论:

To you, your family, loved one, and your close friends, I wish all of you a Happy New Year 'you loved me' or 'you love me' - English Only forum ‘Avengers: Endgame,' which I would have loved to have been asked, but I wasn't asked to be in it at all - English Only forum 4ever loved. A xx - English Only forum A Crab On Your Anus Means You’re Loved - English Only forum a heart that’s [broke] is a hear that’s been loved - English Only forum "a loved one" vs "a beloved one" - English Only forum a partner or [a] loved one - English Only forum A wife who really loved him would make concessions. - English Only forum a woman I loved who had rejected me - English Only forum ain't one kid ever loved a toy - English Only forum all loved up - English Only forum Also loved mary m - English Only forum Amazon is loved/beloved by investors. - English Only forum and have since loved it - English Only forum and which we all loved it - English Only forum angel in the house, long before those who loved her most had learned to know it - English Only forum As if a woman ever loved a man for his virtue - English Only forum be loved by - English Only forum Before I Loved You - English Only forum Being loved - English Only forum Being loved is better than a dream - English Only forum best-loved - English Only forum But now I loved it. - English Only forum caused people loved ones - English Only forum chose this because I loved/love arts - English Only forum Coming back, he loved her. - English Only forum comma/not before 'who' [relative pronoun]: a greedy boy, who loved - English Only forum Deeply loved by his followers, the man... - English Only forum Defines best/ all humans/ would have loved to be - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'loved'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "loved" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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